I am a highly motivated and dedicated PhD student specializing in the field of Materials Science. I am passionate about contributing to the advancement of renewable energy technologies to address global energy and environmental challenges.

My Background

As a materials science PhD student, my focus lies in exploring the unique properties and applications of various materials. Through my research, I aim to contribute to the development of innovative materials and technologies that can address real-world challenges.

Through this website

Through this website, I aim to share my knowledge, experiences, and ongoing research with fellow materials science enthusiasts, researchers, and anyone curious about the fascinating world of materials. It is my hope that this platform will foster meaningful discussions, collaborations, and inspire others to embark on their own materials science journeys

Current affiliation

NanoBioMedical Center, Adam Mickiewicz University

st. Wszechnicy Piastowskiej 3, PL 61614 Poznań, Poland